

Nail Problems Increase among Young Women若い女性の間で爪のトラブル増加

In recent years, fancy nail art has become popular among young women. However, this has caused a sharp increase in nail problems.

When using gel nails, acrylic resin is applied and hardened with UV light to form an artificial nail. Repetition of this process can cause the actual nails to become thin and prone to damage. Moisture and germs may also be trapped between the real and artificial nails. In some cases, this can lead to “green nail syndrome,” an infection caused by bacterial overgrowth. The condition causes a green or blackish discoloration and can require medical treatment.

To ensure nails remain healthy, it is necessary to monitor any changes in their condition. Taking appropriate care of them is also important, like keeping the fingertips clean. If a problem does occur, a visit to a dermatologist may be required.



Listening Quiz

1. Complete the sentence: Artificial nails are often created by ( ).
  • aattaching a gel nail with infrared light
  • bbonding a plastic resin with a heat lamp
  • chardening a gel resin with ultraviolet light
2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “dermatologist” in paragraph three?
  • askin doctor
  • bnail art expert
  • cgreen nail specialist
3. Based on the information in the article, which of the following is NOT true?
  • aIn a worst case scenario, “green nail syndrome” can cause flesh eating bacteria.
  • bWhen applying gel nails, moisture and germs may be trapped between the layers.
  • cRepeated application of gel nails can cause the real nails to become thin and brittle.
4. The popularity of nail art has dropped sharply among young women after articles on “green nail syndrome” began to appear in the media.
  • aTRUE
  • bFALSE
  • cN/A (not applicable)