

AI Defeats Top Go Professional人工知能、囲碁のトップ棋士に勝利

An artificial intelligence recently defeated the world’s top professional Go player in a match held in Korea.

Developed by a Google company, AlphaGo won four out of the five games played. Go originated in China thousands of years ago. Although its rules are simple, there are many more possible moves than other board games such as chess. It also requires intuition and feel. This complexity has made it difficult for computers to master. AlphaGo’s success reportedly depended on a new AI technology called deep learning. The technology allows it to learn like a human brain, using examples and experience to make better moves.

AlphaGo’s victory surprised many people and raised interest in both Go and AI. Rapid advances in AI technology mean it could soon be used to address various problems in society. This includes major challenges in the medical and industrial fields.



Listening Quiz

1. Complete the sentence: AlphaGo utilizes a new technology that ( ).
  • asimulates human learning processes
  • bgives it an ultra-fast processing speed
  • cis more advanced than the human brain
2. Which of the following could best replace “depended on” as used in paragraph two?
  • arelied on
  • baccorded to
  • cdetermined by
3. According to the article, each of the following statements is true except:
  • aAlphaGo uses a new type of learning that is similar to the human brain.
  • bGo has far more possible moves than other board games such as chess.
  • cGoogle plans to use AlphaGo as the AI for a new type of humanoid robot.
4. AlphaGo has both excited and worried people by mastering Go around a decade earlier than predicted.
  • aTRUE
  • bFALSE
  • cN/A (not applicable)