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Japanese Retail Electricity Market Opens to Full Competition日本で電力小売自由化スタート

On April 1st, the Japanese retail electricity market was fully opened to new entrants.

Previously, regional power companies were exclusively permitted to sell electricity to households. However, other companies can now enter the market and consumers can choose their power provider. This means they could select a company that prioritizes solar, wind or other renewable energy sources. If consumers want to switch their supplier, they must first change their meter to a new type. However, they can still use the existing wiring. The competitive system is expected to lower electricity bills and lead to a wider variety of service options.

There are some concerns about the reliability of new providers and possible contractual problems. However, the government is requiring all retailers to register their services and fully explain contracts. Customers will also be protected if their supplier unexpectedly ceases operation.



Listening Quiz

1. Complete the sentence: Companies entering the retail electricity market ( ).
  • acan compete with regional power companies
  • bmust limit their supply operations to rural areas
  • chave to work as partners with existing companies
2. Which of the following could best replace “prioritizes” in paragraph two?
  • arelies on
  • bdraws on
  • cfocuses on
3. The information contained in the article indicates that:
  • aThe government is attempting to drive down the cost of retail electricity supply.
  • bExisting power suppliers are very likely to switch their focus to alternative energy.
  • cNew companies will find it difficult to enter the market due to a lack of infrastructure.
4. Although customers will have to change their power meter when initially switching to a new supplier, they will still be able to use existing electrical wiring.
  • aTRUE
  • bFALSE
  • cN/A (not applicable)