

REM Sleep Supports Important Brain Activitiesレム睡眠、重要な脳活動を促進

Japanese researchers have shown REM sleep supports brain activities that maintain memory and recover brain function.

REM is short for rapid eye movement. It refers to periods of sleep in which the eyes move quickly under the eyelids. Although dreams are known to occur during REM sleep, its role has remained unclear. The researchers carried out tests on mice in which they controlled REM sleep by stimulating the brain. Mice with less REM sleep showed smaller slow brain waves during the following deep sleep. However, longer REM sleep triggered larger slow waves. These slow waves support learning and memory by strengthening connections between brain cells.

The findings show the link between REM sleep and brain function. They also suggest REM sleep may affect diseases such as Alzheimer’s and depression, and disorders including autism. Further research could lead to new treatments for these problems.

レム(REM)とは、急速眼球運動(rapid eye movement)の略で、眠っている間にまぶたの下で眼球が急速に動くことです。レム睡眠中には夢を見ることが知られていますが、レム睡眠の役割ははっきりしないままでした。研究者らは、脳に刺激を与えることで、マウスのレム睡眠をコントロールし、検査を行いました。レム睡眠を減らしたマウスは次に起こる深い睡眠中に出るゆっくりとした脳波が弱まりました。一方で、レム睡眠を長くした場合は、ゆっくりとした脳波が強まりました。このゆっくりとした脳波には、脳細胞同士のつながりを強化し、学習と記憶を助ける働きがあります。


Listening Quiz

1. Complete the sentence: Mice with less REM sleep ( ) during deep sleep.
  • ahad larger slow brain waves
  • bdid not show any brain waves
  • cexhibited smaller slow brain waves
2. As used in paragraph two, the word “unclear” most nearly means:
  • aobscure
  • bconfusing
  • cindistinguishable
3. It can be inferred from the information in the article that:
  • aStimulation of the brain to increase deep sleep could remove the need for REM sleep.
  • bDrugs that extend REM sleep could be vital for treating diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
  • cFurther research on REM sleep could shed light on measures that are effective in treating brain diseases.
4. While the findings are unlikely to immediately lead to a cure for Alzheimer’s and other brain-related disorders, they provide useful information for developing new treatments for these diseases.
  • aTRUE
  • bFALSE
  • cN/A (not applicable)